FinAncial EducatIon foR Legal economY

Fundamental tools to recognize illegal conducts in the supply of financial services.

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About Fairly

FAIRLY will be addressing people with no or little financial background in order to educate them with financial knowledge, and to provide them with the fundamental tools to recognize illegal conducts in the supply of those financial services related to day-to-day and/or working life.

The main objective of FAIRLY is to foster the financial literacy of unemployed people (in particular young people), households and professionals, by giving them the ability to defend themselves from the most widespread illegal practices in the daily finance and economy world, by fostering “anti-fraud skills”.

Learn more about the project

FinAncial EducatIon foR Legal economY a.k.a FAIRLY

Download the Handbook

Practical guide for informed and safe financial choices

Upcoming events

Project 2020-1 -LU01-KA204-063239

Start date: 15-12-2020
End date: 14-12-2022

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Practical Guide for Informed and Safe Financial Choices

Valuable information on how to make daily-lives financial choices, focusing on how to avoid the most common illegal practices in the field of finance and everyday economy.

Към лентата с инструменти